Online catalogue

The Children’s English Library offers over 7000 books and media to our members. Please feel free to browse our catalogue to get an overview of our titles.
If you click on the down arrow by the search bar you can access more detailed search fields.

To request the item: If you are a CEL member, click on the mail link below a book, e-mail the details to yourself and then forward this e-mail to
You will be notified by email when your request is ready for collection at the library.
Please do not e-mail the book link directly to CEL as we will not know who to reserve the book for.

Please note that this online catalogue is not connected to the CEL issue system and is using an external database with a list of ISBNs available at CEL.
The call numbers do not match those at CEL.
The status available only means that this book is in the CEL catalogue.