The school year has begun and the library is now back to our regular opening hours: Fridays from 10-12 and 2:30-5:30 pm and Saturdays from 2:00-5:00 pm. Please check the website before coming to make sure there is a volunteer.
We are still in need of volunteers to sign up to work the desk for the Fall semester so if you have been trained please check the doodles and sign up.
The Summer Reading Challenge has come to an end and now it’s time to bring in your reading log and collect a prize! Prizes available from the volunteer now until October 16th.
You’re Invited to the CEL Open House!
When: Sunday, September 19 from 12:00- 4:00pm
Where: Hauptstraße 19, Stuttgart-Vaihingen
What: An open house in collaboration with our neighbors, Ray’s School of Dance and The Pilates Place. Enjoy a small bake sale, creative crafts, and short storytimes!
This is a great bonus day to come in, return books, and grab some new reads. Plus, you can check out our awesome neighbors.
Hope to see you Sunday!
Please, keep in mind that the we are required to follow the current Coronavirus Regulations for Libraries which means all adults must show proof of one of the 3G’s to enter the library, children are exempt, and no proof is required to simply return books. Masks, keeping distance, and providing contact details are still required.
We wish you all a good start in the new school year and hope to see you at the library soon!
The CEL board