Apologies – due to a last minute problem with the volunteer CEL can not be open this morning.
We will be open from 14:30-17:30
Best regards
The CEL team
Apologies – due to a last minute problem with the volunteer CEL can not be open this morning.
We will be open from 14:30-17:30
Best regards
The CEL team
We are in need of bake sale goodies (cupcakes, muffins, cookies, cake) for our Halloween Party bake sale. Please let us know if you can donate at info@celstuttgart.de
Donations can be brought to the party or to CEL during opening hours the Friday before
Thank you for your help and looking forward to seeing you at the Halloween Party!
Dear CEL Members,
Hello CEL Members and Volunteers,
The new school year starts this week and our normal opening hours resume starting Friday September 13th.
Our CEL t-shirts are here! You can pick up your order at the library. We ordered 5 extra children’s t-shirts in white in various sizes. They can be purchased at the front desk for 15€ each.
Our Summer Reading Challenge has come to an end. All participants can show their reading logs to the volunteer on duty and pick out a prize!
We are looking for a volunteer to take over the bulletin board in the library. This is a fun opportunity for someone that is creative and crafty! Send an email to Liz.weiser@celstuttgart.de if interested.
Aged 6-12? Don’t forget to join us Saturday 14th for Lego Club from 1:30-2:30.
See you there!
We wish you all a good start in the new school year and happy reading,
The CEL Board
A big thanks to all the bakers and helpers who made our Vaihinger Stadtfest stand possible last weekend. We were able to raise a much needed 256€ for our library from the cookie and book sales 👏 Furthermore, we were able to advertise our library and hopefully win some new members 🤞 Thanks also to all the members who stopped by to say hi 👋 😃 We hope to be back again next year.
Summer Holiday Opening runs from July 24- September 8th. During this time, the library will only be open on Friday afternoons, 14:30-17:30.
There are three designs to choose from as well as many different colors!
Every t-shirt sold benefits the library and helps to keep the CEL up and running.
You can print out an order form or pick one up at the library. Forms can be emailed or returned to the desk with payment. Payments can be made with cash, bank transfer, or PayPal.
Dear CEL members and volunteers,
We are excited to present our CEL t-shirt designs! We will be taking orders for our new specially designed shirts until Friday July 26th. We will then hope to have our new shirts to distribute at the beginning of the new school year in September.
There are three designs to choose from as well as many different colors!
Every t-shirt sold benefits the library and helps to keep the CEL up and running.
You can print out an order form or pick one up at the library. Forms can be emailed to info@celstuttgart.de or returned to the desk with payment.
Payments can be made with cash, bank transfer, or PayPal.
We are looking forward to seeing all of you in a CEL t-shirt!
A special thanks to CEL member Franzi Ventz for donating her time and talent to create the designs!
The order form can be found here.
Best wishes and happy reading,
The CEL board
Dear members,
Now is your chance to help out! All we need are your cookie baking skills. We’d like to sell prepackaged cookies at our stand at the Vaihinger Stadtfest. Please put 2 cookies in a see through baggy and drop off at the library by Saturday, July 6th.
Thanks from your favorite English library!
Ps. We are still in search of volunteers to help man the festival stand on Sunday, July 7th. Please let us know if you have some time to volunteer.
Many thanks