Hello Members and Volunteers,
Here are a few upcoming events at CEL:
On Friday February 7th at 7:30 pm, we will be hosting a Blind Date with a Book event open to our Adult members and volunteers. Bring a wrapped new or gently used book with a few descriptive clues written on the wrapping to exchange. Please bring a snack to share and we will provide drinks. Let us know if you are coming at liz.weiser@celstuttgart.de. Hope to see you there!
We will be having a fantasy themed Open Day on Saturday March 22nd from 1-5 pm. There will be a craft, storytime, activities, and a bake sale. Come dressed as your favorite fantasy character and get a prize! This open event is open to all so please share with your English speaking friends and groups. Use this link to invite those on FB https://fb.me/e/aBxhZQntN
Request for volunteers to help and bake goods donations will be sent out closer to the date.
Best wishes and happy reading,
The CEL Board