All posts by webmaster

Opening this week: Fri. AM – Sat. PM

The Summer Reading Challenge prizes are at the front desk! Bring in your reading log/bookmark and you can pick out a prize! The library is open this morning from 10-12 and Saturday afternoon from 2-5.

Please note we do not have a volunteer for Friday 14:30-17:30 and therefore cannot open. If you would like training as a volunteer – or are trained please and haven’t yet signed up for a session please get in touch!

Library Announcements

The school year has begun and the library is now back to our regular opening hours: Fridays from 10-12 and 2:30-5:30 pm and Saturdays from 2:00-5:00 pm.  Please check the website before coming to make sure there is a volunteer.
We are still in need of volunteers to sign up to work the desk for the Fall semester so if you have been trained please check the doodles and sign up.
The Summer Reading Challenge has come to an end and now it’s time to bring in your reading log and collect a prize!  Prizes available from the volunteer now until October 16th.

You’re Invited to the CEL Open House!

When: Sunday, September 19 from 12:00- 4:00pm
Where:  Hauptstraße 19, Stuttgart-Vaihingen
What: An open house in collaboration with our neighbors, Ray’s School of Dance and The Pilates Place. Enjoy a small bake sale, creative crafts, and short storytimes!
This is a great bonus day to come in, return books, and grab some new reads. Plus, you can check out our awesome neighbors.
Hope to see you Sunday!
Please, keep in mind that the we are required to follow the current Coronavirus Regulations for Libraries which means all adults must show proof of one of the 3G’s to enter the library, children are exempt, and no proof is required to simply return books.  Masks, keeping distance, and providing contact details are still required.
We wish you all a good start in the new school year and hope to see you at the library soon!
The CEL board

CEL will be closed on Friday 3rd September

Our volunteer for this Friday has had to step back at short notice for personal reasons, this means we will be unable to open as planned. However, the good news is that we do have a volunteer signed up for the last week of the school holidays on Friday 10th September.
CEL will next be open 14:30-17:30 Friday 10th September

Thank you for your understanding and enjoy the rest of the summer holidays.

Don’t forget – from the 17th September you can collect your Summer Reading Challenge prize! If you haven’t already collected a book mark and sheet – sign up on the 10th for a weekend of reading!

Regarding New Coronavirus Regulations

Dear Members,

Due to new Coronavirus regulations, we must now require proof of the 3G’s for adults to enter and spend time in the library.
This means proof of one of the following:

  • vaccination
  • recovery
  • a negative test (no older than 24 hours for an Antigen test or 48 hours for a PCR test)

Tests are not required for children.

Please, be prepared to show the volunteer on duty your proof.
The rules for masks, keeping distance, and providing contact data either in writing or with the Luca app still apply.

It is not required to show 3G proof to simply return books.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Stay healthy and safe,
The CEL board

Summer School Holiday Opening Hours

Dear Members,

The Summer School Holidays are here and CEL will be open on a limited basis.

We have volunteers for Friday afternoons from 2:30-5:30 pm on July 30, August 6, and August 13.

We are still looking for desk volunteers to work for the remainder of Fridays in the school holidays. If you are trained and can help, please, add your name to the doodle.
Without volunteers, we are not able to be open.

Don’t forget about our Summer Reading Challenge! Reading bookmarks and logs are available to pick up at the front desk!


As part of our investigation into options for replacing our current library system, we would like to hear from any of our members who have experience setting up Windows Web Server and a VPN on a Windows 10 PC.
(Or if you can write front end GUIs for SQL databases and have lots of time 🙂⁠)
Please e-mail if you can help.

We wish all our members a health and safe summer holidays,

The CEL Board

Come and join us in the park this Friday…

Come out and enjoy the great weather with us on Friday, July 23rd – sunshine and fresh air will hopefully allow us to gather without too much worry and enjoy time together…

Rhyme Time in the Park – 10:00 – singing for little ones and their adults

Friday Fun in the Park – 15:30 –  We’ll be reading The Three Little Javelinas and then we’ll have a blast playing some water games!  Look for the CEL Summer Reading in the Park sign and don’t forget a change of clothes!

Both events will take place in the Stadtpark Vaihingen – just behind CEL so you can pop by and change your books at the same time.

(If you are not yet a CEL member please come and join at the library before attending the events)


It’s time for the Children’s English Library Summer Reading Challenge!

Summer Reading Challenge PosterSummer Reading Challenge 2021

Stop by the library to pick up a reading challenge bookmark or two and start reading your summer away!

All ages welcome to join in!

All participants can pick up a prize at the library from September 17 until October 16.

It doesn’t matter how many books that you read, only that you read so get started!

BookmarksIf you would prefer to print out your bookmarks at home here are the links:

Book Mark 1

Book Mark 2

CEL Update

Due to the low incidence numbers in Stuttgart, we are now able to open without restrictions which means we are no longer limited to only two families at a time in the library.
Masks, keeping distance, hand disinfection, and the sign in sheet are still in effect.
We are also allowed to have activities – at a distance, so we are now looking for volunteers to lead Friday Fun and Saturday workshops.
We are also in need of desk volunteers for Friday afternoons. Please remember that without volunteers, we are not able to open.
We have a volunteer for this Friday afternoon July 2 so we will be open from 14:30-17:30 as well as Friday morning from 10-12 and Saturday afternoon from 14:00-17:00.
There will be a Friday Rhyme Time in the park for our 3 and under crowd on Friday July 9th at 10 am.
Please email for more details.
Things are getting back to normal which means beginning July 1st, we will begin charging overdue fees once again (50c per item per week) and we will no longer override the system to renew books checked out for longer than 6 months.

CEL – Re-opening…

We are happy to announce that the CEL is now allowed to open! We will initially be open on Friday mornings from 10:00 – 12:00 and Saturday afternoons from 14:00 – 17:00.
As always, all openings are dependent on volunteers. If you have had volunteer training, please check the doodles for Fridays and Saturdays and sign up if you are able to help.
We will still need to follow a hygiene concept. Masks are required, try to maintain distance from the volunteer and other members, wash/disinfect your hands, and sign in on the contact sheet.
Only two families at a time will be allowed to enter the library. If there are families waiting then visits will be limited to 30 minutes. Please check with the volunteer upon arriving if you can enter.
Contactless Lending will still be available but we ask that people only request it if it is absolutely necessary.
We are excited and happy to be able to welcome you all back and to welcome you to our new location!