Category Archives: Event

CEL Summer News-Summer Reading Challenge and Summer Get-Together

Here is what is happening at CEL this summer!

Our Summer Reading Challenge starts next week and goes until September 11th when the German school holidays end.  We have a variety of reading logs available to choose from for all ages.  There is a really cool Read Around the World log, too!

All participants can show their reading log to the volunteer at the desk and receive a prize anytime in that first month of the Fall semester.  All ages are welcome – read yourself or have someone read to you!  We hope you have a good summer of reading! ☀️🏖📚💕

We would like to invite all members to join us at the Katzenbacher Hof on Saturday July 16th from 11-3.  There is a cash only food and beverage kiosk, picnic tables and a large playground. We will have a few organized activities and plenty of time to socialize with and meet other members.  We hope you can join us!

Regarding Corona Regulations- masks are now optional at CEL.  Please, only visit the library if you are healthy and symptom free.

German summer school holidays begin on July 27th until September 11th.  During this time we will try to be open on Friday afternoons depending on volunteer availability.

Wish you all a sunny summertime and happy reading! ☀️📚🏖🌻🌈

The CEL Board

Workshop – Violet Van winkle is an inventor with a flair for the air! 

“If only the kids at school knew that Violet could create flying machines- glorious contraptions like the tub-bubbler and the Wing-a-ma-gig- they might not tease her the way they do. Could the upcoming Air Show be her chance to show her stuff?”

Dear CEL Members,

Join us Saturday afternoon on June 25th Start time: 3pm for a workshop which will include: listening to a read-aloud of the book “Violet the Pilot”, discussing themes in the book, such as staying true to yourself and not giving up,  as well as creating paper airplanes!
Please send an email to if you a are CEL member and your primary school aged child/children would like to attend. Don’t forget to include the first and last name along with their age. There are 8 spots available for this workshop. Hope to see you there!
Kind regards,
Michele with CEL

Don’t forget our Open Day this Saturday…

“The theme of this year’s Open Day is Eric Carle, who grew up right here in Stuttgart!
Saturday, March 19 from 11:00am – 4pm
Dress up as your favorite book character and receive a special treat!
The library will be open to all so be sure to invite your friends that might be interested in checking out what CEL has to offer.
We will be hosting a Bake Sale to raise funds for the library. If you can donate a goodie for the sale, please email”

CEL Open Day – Saturday 19th March

“The theme of this year’s Open Day is Eric Carle, who grew up right here in Stuttgart!
Saturday, March 19 from 11:00am – 4pm
Dress up as your favorite book character and receive a special treat!
The library will be open to all so be sure to invite your friends that might be interested in checking out what CEL has to offer.
We will be hosting a Bake Sale to raise funds for the library. If you can donate a goodie for the sale, please email”

Join us for a Spooky Storytime and celebration!

Join us for a Spooky Storytime and celebration!
All CEL members are invited on Saturday, October 30 from 1-5pm. We’ll have storytime, Halloween-themed games and crafts, and a bake sale. Wear a costume and get a special treat!
We are seeking cake donations for the bake sale. If you are willing to make something yummy, please email
3G rules will still apply. Medical Masks must be worn (under your Halloween mask)🧛‍♀️

Opening this week: Fri. AM – Sat. PM

The Summer Reading Challenge prizes are at the front desk! Bring in your reading log/bookmark and you can pick out a prize! The library is open this morning from 10-12 and Saturday afternoon from 2-5.

Please note we do not have a volunteer for Friday 14:30-17:30 and therefore cannot open. If you would like training as a volunteer – or are trained please and haven’t yet signed up for a session please get in touch!

Library Announcements

The school year has begun and the library is now back to our regular opening hours: Fridays from 10-12 and 2:30-5:30 pm and Saturdays from 2:00-5:00 pm.  Please check the website before coming to make sure there is a volunteer.
We are still in need of volunteers to sign up to work the desk for the Fall semester so if you have been trained please check the doodles and sign up.
The Summer Reading Challenge has come to an end and now it’s time to bring in your reading log and collect a prize!  Prizes available from the volunteer now until October 16th.

You’re Invited to the CEL Open House!

When: Sunday, September 19 from 12:00- 4:00pm
Where:  Hauptstraße 19, Stuttgart-Vaihingen
What: An open house in collaboration with our neighbors, Ray’s School of Dance and The Pilates Place. Enjoy a small bake sale, creative crafts, and short storytimes!
This is a great bonus day to come in, return books, and grab some new reads. Plus, you can check out our awesome neighbors.
Hope to see you Sunday!
Please, keep in mind that the we are required to follow the current Coronavirus Regulations for Libraries which means all adults must show proof of one of the 3G’s to enter the library, children are exempt, and no proof is required to simply return books.  Masks, keeping distance, and providing contact details are still required.
We wish you all a good start in the new school year and hope to see you at the library soon!
The CEL board

Come and join us in the park this Friday…

Come out and enjoy the great weather with us on Friday, July 23rd – sunshine and fresh air will hopefully allow us to gather without too much worry and enjoy time together…

Rhyme Time in the Park – 10:00 – singing for little ones and their adults

Friday Fun in the Park – 15:30 –  We’ll be reading The Three Little Javelinas and then we’ll have a blast playing some water games!  Look for the CEL Summer Reading in the Park sign and don’t forget a change of clothes!

Both events will take place in the Stadtpark Vaihingen – just behind CEL so you can pop by and change your books at the same time.

(If you are not yet a CEL member please come and join at the library before attending the events)


It’s time for the Children’s English Library Summer Reading Challenge!

Summer Reading Challenge PosterSummer Reading Challenge 2021

Stop by the library to pick up a reading challenge bookmark or two and start reading your summer away!

All ages welcome to join in!

All participants can pick up a prize at the library from September 17 until October 16.

It doesn’t matter how many books that you read, only that you read so get started!

BookmarksIf you would prefer to print out your bookmarks at home here are the links:

Book Mark 1

Book Mark 2